Etymological Dictionaries
EtyTree - Etymological tree graphs! See new prototype here.
Oxford English Dictionary - Subscription required
Eric Partridge - Origins: A Short Etymological Dictionary of Modern English
Anatoly Liberman - A Bibliography of English Etymology: Sources and Word List
Ernest Klein - A Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary of the English Language
History of English
Lexicons of Early Modern English - University of Toronto. Dictionary entries and glosses from early modern and late medieval English writers.
Early Print - Washington University St. Louis, Text mining tools for English texts printed before 1700
Anglo-Norman Online Hub - Universities of Aberystwyth and Swansea.
A Thesaurus of Old English - University of Glasgow
A Historical Thesaurus of English - University of Glasgow
Mapping Metaphor - University of Glasgow
The Mind is a Metaphor - Brad Pasanek, University of Virginia
Ancient Language Resources
Lexicity - Huge index of ancient language resources!
Perseus Latin and Greek - Tufts University. Latin and Greek definitions and usage in context
Logeion - Search several Latin/Greek dictionaries at once
ND Latin - University of Notre Dame. Latin Dictionary.
Cambridge Latin Course - Intro to Latin textbook resources
Indo-European Lexicon - University of Texas
Books on Etymology
Anatoly Liberman - Word Origins and How we Know Them: Etymology for Everyone
Davide Del Bello - Forgotten Paths: Etymology and the Allegorical Mindset